The dawn of the Internet brought with it a convenient way to find love and romance. Gone are the days of traditional dating that also brought with it limited choices and perhaps some frustration. It’s easy to realize that the Internet has had a huge influence in the way many couples meet and date in this modern age. There are probably millions of people in the world right at this second, browsing the web to find love online.
Before computers were invented, humans would meet potential love interests after they exchanged a couple of smiles and perhaps some words. Love at first sight may have also been a big thing in the olden days before any sort of Internet was available. And perhaps in ancient times people even found love by smoke signal! For many, finding love in the days of old may have been a longwinded, time consuming affair.
Since the Internet, online shopping and many other important things we do are done online on a daily basis. When it comes to dating and finding love many people take the bull by the horns and join Internet dating web sites or install dating apps on their phones to speed up the process of finding that special someone.
In this article we cover how to find love online, quickly and easily. We go into what will provide you with the best chance of finding that special someone in hopefully, a short span of time.

Don’t be in a hurry
We have a huge list of testimonials here on Singles2Meet.co.za. Some people say that they met someone in a day or a couple of days. This is great, but you never want to make important life decisions in a hurry.
Taking time to think over important life decisions is always a good idea and that is probably very true when it comes to new love interests as it could have a profound effect on your future. The idea that you can never go to slow may be a strategy that will serve you well in the long run.
Dating Sites and Dating Apps do provide you with a huge amount of potential matches and you will normally be spoiled for choice. It will be an excellent idea to meet more than one person and even date multiple people at the same time before making any serious decisions when it comes to starting a relationship.
Everyone’s journey to find love is unique, and there is no set timeline when it comes to finding love online.
Put important information in your profile
Think about the things you will want to know about the person you are thinking of spending the rest of your life with. Don’t be shy to indicate what you are looking for in a mate. Dating online is usually done to meet the most suitable person in the shortest span of time. Indicating exactly what you are looking for saves you time and your matches that view your profile.
Many Dating Sites and Apps will have options where you specify ‘non-negotiables’. If there is such options then don’t be shy to specify what is not negotiable. You could also provide some non-negotiables in your profile descriptions in a friendly, diplomatic way not to come across as unfriendly.
Always remember that you are dating online to save yourself time and to find the best possible person that is right and perfect for you. Finding a partner usually involves some of the most important, profound decisions you will make for your future. Always remember to have fun in the process because life it too short to not have fun! People love spending time with other people that are fun!
Only use recent photos in your profile
Using old photos because you want to look better in the photo may cause the other person to feel mislead when you finally meet them.
Keep in mind that it is important to make a great first impression when you meet someone for the first time. Having photos that portray yourself in another era may just be the thing that signals a very short first date and no second date at all.
Never use photos of a person other than yourself. This would be an instant turn off and will probably always end in the other person fleeing the first date. Even telling people that you did not use your real photo before meeting them may put people off completely and result in no date at all.
Using recent photos of yourself will always be the best way to meet that special person.
Read the profiles of potential matches carefully
Most Dating Sites and Apps will usually display lots of detailed information about your matches. It will always be a good idea to spend some time going through the other person’s profile. If they contacted you or if you make the first move, going through their profile thoroughly gives you an opportunity to spot some deal-breakers off the bat and may save you time in the long run.
Make the first move (if you want to)
Gone are the days when women waited for men to make the first move. Traditionally it’s the man’s job to make the first move but it is not uncommon for woman to start up the conversation online. Most men will usually not read negatively into it if woman start up the conversation online.
Most men will start conversations if they like what they see. If you are a man, it is usually expected from you to make the first move but in the online world things are never written in stone.
The best way to get things moving along is to always start up the conversation if you like what you see, whether you are male or female.
Write a quality first message if you see someone you are interested in
In an ideal world you would send personalized email to each of your matches you are interested in. Unfortunately free available time is usually something that is in short supply for most of us.
If you have a copy and paste message ready, modify it slightly to fit into what the other person said on their profile. Also keep in mind that nobody likes to receive a copy and paste message although many (if not most) people send those. Personalizing and customizing your copy and paste message may serve you well.
Ideally you would want to write personalized email for your most important matches and you could perhaps use personized copy and paste messages to your not so important matches.
Use Multiple Dating Web Sites and Dating Apps
Using more than one Dating Site or App may provide you with even more matches. Having no shortage of potential love interests could be a really good thing. You are, after all putting yourself out there to find the love that is right and perfect for you.