Would you like your inbox to be flooding with email from Mr. or Miss Right? If so, you have come to the right place. Follow the advice below to make your dating profile more interesting and eye catching. With so many people using online dating sites, it would be a sure-fire way to set yours apart from the crowd.
How to be creative with your user name or nickname
Avoid picking a generic nick name. The ideal nick name would be memorable and compelling.
Give some thought about what you will be portraying, who you are and who you would like to attract. Who would he or she be? Would the guy be a cowboy or high powered business man. Would the woman be a princess or an adventurer looking to explore the 7 wonders of the world?
Below are a couple of steps that should provide you with some good ideas:
- Make a list of things that describe your positive traits the best. Take some of these words and combine them with something Interesting. For example: Fun Cool Dad, Adventure4U, Princess Beauty, World not Enough, Wilderness Adventurer, etc.
- Really cool cars usually have really interesting and thought provoking names on the number plates. Think of a good nick name that you would be proud of placing on your own Ferarri or dream car.
- Choose a name that describes who you are. An intriguing name will definitely be memorable. You want to avoid picking a generic, boring name.
How to take great photos for your profile
The photos on your dating profile will play a significant role in its success.
Use recent, up to date photos. Don’t use photos that are several years old.
Have more than one photo. Having more than one photo lends credibility to your profile and makes it more interesting.
The quality of your photos need to be good. If you don’t look good on photos or if you can’t create good quality photos yourself, hire a professional for the job. It will definitely be worth the expense if it leads you to your true love.
It is always a good idea to portray the positive things in your life with your photos. (Remember that you need to be inside the photos). Do not post photos of things or objects in which you are not present. This would usually not make any sense and be boring or worse, it could be weird.
Be Honest
Keep it real by being honest. Don’t drop ‘white lies’ in your profile. They may come back to haunt you. There would be nothing worse than getting caught in a white lie with someone you just met and are interested in.
How to write a great profile description
Keep your writing positive and polite in order to attract a positive person with a positive attitude. Always keep away from the negatives.
Below are some things to help you to write great profile descriptions:
- Get yourself in a positive frame of mind or pick a time when you are in a positive frame of mind to write your description. Writing a profile description at the end of a bad day might not be a good idea.
- Use proper spelling and grammar. Ask a friend for feedback and to proof read it for you.
- Be sincere and polite in the description of yourself and who you are looking for.
- Ask a friend what your best qualities are and list them in your description.
- Don’t talk about your bad past relationship experiences. This will most likely not attract positive, competent, happy people.
- Don’t make an endless list of things you’re looking for in someone that not even George Cloony (or Pamela Anderson) will be able to live up to. Too many things may intimidate potential matches. List the things you are looking for in someone politely.
- List non-negotiable things politely.
If you are completely stuck and don’t know what to write, go through the profiles of your competition. Take the bits that you liked and put them in yours. It would be best to rewrite the bits you copy so that it fits your own needs. Keep in mind that you also want an original profile that doesn’t look copied from someone else.
Think of what you write on your profile as a means to invite that special someone you are looking for into your life. Good descriptions about yourself and about who you are looking for can definitely be crucial especially if you are chatting to people you are interested in because they will be going through your profile if they are interested in you.