Various miscellaneous questions about online dating and some questions specifically related to our free dating service on Singles2Meet.co.za
- I contacted you and did not get a reply.
- Is this dating site really free?
- Will this service always be free?
- Do people really meet online?
- I have to log into the web site each time I visit it. My Login is not remembered.
- Why are you billing my credit card?
- You are asking me for payment?
Keep in mind that this service is completely free and that the people who built it and run it does it for very little compensation.
We will in many cases not reply because we are simply busy with other things that pays the bills. Like you, we also need to work for a living.
It does not cost anything. It is totally free. The costs associated with bringing you this service is made up with advertising.
There are no plans to charge for the site, but it’s conceivable that it could become extremely popular and need additional resources. This means that charging fees at some point can’t be completely ruled out. It is however doubtful that we will charge fees in the future.
Yes! Worldwide! Daily! Some make friends, some start relationships, some get married and more. Online dating has been available since the dawn of the Internet.
Use a better web browser. See below:
Mobile phones: Many phones come with primative web browsers that leaves much to be desired when it comes to functionality and security. Use a good and highly functional web browser on your phone like Chrome or Firefox.
Desktop Computers: If you are using a desktop computer then it will likely be that your anti-virus software is the cause of the problem. You may need to change settings in your anti-virus software when it comes to remembering cookies – your anti-virus software may discard cookies from web sites as soon as you leave them.
You must have us confused with another dating website or someone else. We do not have any payment facilities. We accept no forms of payment. Our services are entirely free.
Look closely at your credit card statement or phone your bank to find out who exactly is billing you to cancel it.
Our services are entirely free. We do not have any payment facilities. We accept no forms of payment. We do not ask people money to use any of our services.
Double check what web site is asking you for payment. You may have navigated to another dating website and you may be confusing it with ours. (You may be on the wrong website) Our website address is: singles2meet.co.za
You may have mistakenly navigated to another website by clicking on an advert. Singles2Meet.co.za does display advertising to members to keep the service entirely free. Pay attention to the website you are on and what you are asked to pay for.