Laid-Back Dave, 39 - George
Western Cape, South Africa
About Me:
I like interesting random discussions and love acquiring interesting yet probably useless information, I also like random interesting people. I enjoy having a drinks, playing pooI, finding awesome little cafes/restaurants in the middle of nowhere. I suppose one could also say I have a taste for the finer things in life, especially food, wine, etc; but I do also find happiness in simple beauty, such as the stars, sunsets, classical music, etc. I like jamming with mates at the occassional trance party. I enjoy swimming, cycling, gym, rugby, soccer, surfing, clay pigeon shooting as well as any random cool unusual sport/activity
Looking For:
I like women who are:
Naturally beautiful,
honest & upfront,
Intelligen t & a good commincato r
Appreci ates old fashioned romanticis m
Someo ne who is positive, driven, confident, acertive
and patient enough to endure my habit of making really cheesy puns.