fullfilledheart, 65 - Cape Town
Western Cape, South Africa
About Me:
Well, am a proud father of a 12 years daughter, am blessed and fortunate to have a great family, friends, career and my health. I believe in Change, it's a wonderful opportunity to grow. I currently enjoy a nice work / life balance. I support diversity and seek new creative ways to succeed and help others. Adversity can be a blessing and my best life's lessons have been with it, I do not run from it, but look for the best solutions. I "do" work, play and relax hard, I just truly enjoy life at all levels. I love to laugh and have fun. I'm fortunate to have lived and traveled the world AND wish to do, see and experience more. I'm not afraid to admit fault and try to live with honesty and transparency. I do like the finer things in life, now that I can afford them. Please know, they do not decide my happiness, because I have been happy with far less. I work M-F and my current schedule is flexible. Wine is another passion AND I will have another glass please.
Looking For:
What I like in a woman? A person than understand and improve the life situation (flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity), having more positive emotions than negative emotions, as a combination of life satisfaction, and a sense that life is worthwhile with Authentic Happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning.
A woman who lives a happy life, to converse openly and honestly, who takes an active role in their health, lifestyle, energized, alert and understand that wonderful feeling of being alive, that happiness does not depend on material achievements, and that the happiness of one directly influences the happiness of the other person.
What I can offer: honest, reliable, with moral values, not seeking to take advantage of any relationship, help with the cooking (I know and practice the best nutrition), which concerned with the different areas of health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, who understands that the success in life is to get yours.