Jasper, 39 - Sandton
Gauteng, South Africa

About Me:
Hi, what could I possibly write about myself that would actually make you believe it to be true? Lets be truthful, the only way to really know someone is to talk to them and spend some time with them. Yet I want to know why do women get on dating sites, post a profile & pictures, saying all kinds of nice things about themselves, then not respond to a message when a gentleman contacts them, even though she may not be interested? Whatever happened to common courtesy? Somebody please answer this question. I am just a man looking for a wonderful, passionate, loving woman. The kind of woman you can't wait to see because You know everything in life is better with her. A woman you admire and can share all the little things that make up a day. Hoping the next call will be her to hear her sweet voice. Seeking my friend, lover, mate that I will kiss goodnight and hold her tight. Giving my heart to her because she is honest, compassionate, caring, and understanding. A woman who can love me the way I am as much as I cherish her. My life is good, though it will be fabulous with the woman I desire. As there is so much more to share, I can hardly wait to meet You
Looking For:
No such thing as perfect. But someone who knows we are broken and is willing to be broken together and work as a team in all the ups and downs called life. Yes I don't believe in a perfect match. Relationships just like friendships are built on trust and that usually takes time. You need to know a lot about a person, or at least,I do before I commit to an agreement or friendship that leads to trust. Ask me questions. I'll tell you no lies.