Tabern, 27 - Pretoria
Gauteng, South Africa
About Me:
I'm very ambitious and passion driven.I'm very commical and funny.I'm a hardworking person.i'm very confident.I'm very honest with myself.I'm very wise,i'm a man who make wise decisions.I'm very humble,I love learning from other people.I believe that the time you stop learning is the time you swallow the dust.I don't give less when it comes to love,i give myself.I believe in commitment and self discipline.i'm very realistic but that doesn't deter me from dreaming big.I act more than I talk.I love developing a better trait because I want to become a better person in life.i'm modernised.I love exploring new things.I love hearing from other people.I accept when i'm wrong.
Looking For:
I'm looking for someone who loves and respects herself.A person who is ambitious.A person who is confident.A lady who displays a good attribute when she's around people.A person who will set an example in the family.Someone who doesn't give up easily.Someone who is respectful.Someone who is honest with her feelings and always speaks out.A dreamer.Someone who will give a new lease of life.Someone I'll be proud of when i'm sitting with other men.Someone who is romantic and wants to explore new things