Real, 52 - Pretoria
Gauteng, South Africa
About Me:
There is lots to say but would rather wait and see who i may be compatible to. I look like my profile pick and prefer men to look like theirs too.
I am at a stage in my life where i want a clean slate. Start over even if it means relocating.
Looking For:
Im looking for a man that is taller than me, no children living with them or at school age. A man that would like to start our first meeting with a rose at least. Someone that can surprise me spoil me and can keep my interest. I want no bagage, my ideal partner smokes and is a social drinker, not meaning i drink after work everynight. I to meet someone that will not want to be friends with bennifits unless i benifit from it too then we can talk. Being a good lover etc is a bonus not a bennifit, a car is more of a bennifit so lets see if anyone is man enough to be mr right i know im a good woman and wont settle for less than i deserve