Donaldson-3, 44 - Johannesburg
Gauteng, South Africa

About Me:
I find it hard to describe myself, but I can say am that simple man who enjoy the simple things of life. It more meaningful when shared with someone special.!
Looking For:
Hot is obviously another universally accepted
term used by men and women alike. This is but
more subjective as everyone may have their own
version of what they deem hot. To me nothing is
‘hotter’ than a cute girl behind closed doors.
Most guys would say ‘hot’ is somewhere between
an 8 and 9 on the standard scale. Usually hot
girls know they are hot and it makes them pains
in the ass with an even more entitled attitude
than average women. Hot women are good for
eye candy and sex but to date one is an
enormous task that is usually not worth the
reward. She usually brings nothing to the table
except her looks and those fade, as we know.
Being deemed ‘hot’ she never had to cultivate a
personality or intelligence as everything has
always been handed to her. She is often dull and
vapid. Attention is her goal and loyalty is not a
priority. There are always exceptions, of course,
but in general hot women are a hassle and only
worth short term companionship. Often times
hot girls are deceptively hot. Meaning once the
make-up is off and the body enhancing clothes
are removed, she is actually couple points lower.
‘Hot’ tends to be an overused term thrown
around too freely.