Loopy, 51 - East London
Eastern Cape, South Africa
About Me:
I am a hopeless romantic - I am in search of Big love and will not settle for less. I am loyal to a fault and I always give people the benefit of the doubt but will not give people too many opportunities to hurt me. I am assertive, dedicated and committed to my beliefs and values. I enjoy discovering and learning new things and find people absolutely facinating. I surround myself with positivity and am repelled by negativity. I enjoy people who possess a witty sense of humour and find intelligence very attractive. My idea of a good time is relaxing comfortably in the presence of other like minded people. I have very little tolerance for melodrama, lack of manners, rudeness and bad behaviour. I believe that we are all put on this earth for the sole purpose of firstly learning to love ourselves, then learning to love each other and then finally learning to love the God that put us here.
Looking For:
She must be funny without too many serious bones in her, She should be filled with joy, She must be loving and enjoy life, must know what she wants, she must have a hope in a life after death, she needs to be intelligent (not a rocket scientist necessarily but at she should at least be well read enough to have an opinion on most things), she must know that she is sexy and attractive and secure in her own identity.